The President of the Hellenic Committee of the Blue Shield, Dr. Elena Korka, participates in BRAU6, which will be held in Florence from 15 to 18 October 2023.Also, our BoD member, Dr. Nicholas Minos, Emeritus Director of the Directorate of Conservation of Ancient and Modern Monuments, Greece is one of  the  2nd Hypatia International Award 2023 winners.

Brief presentation of Biennial BRAU6 and Hypatia International Award

Honorary Presidents:  Dr Mounir Bouchenaki (UNESCO),

Prof. Arch. Roberto Corazzi (UNI Firenze, IT), Prof. Arch. Ezio Godoli (UNI Firenze, IT)

 Prof. Arch. Lucio Gomes Machado (UNI San Paolo, BR), Prof. Eng. George Penelis  (UNI AUTH, GR)

15 days along the new maritime road of silk

15-30 October 2023

from Florence (Italy) to Dhaka (Bangladesh)

Inauguration BRAU6 in Florence from 15 to 18 October 2023

Countries and Cities most invested in the event:

Italy (Venice, Florence, Brindisi, Lecce); Greece (Athens, Rhodes); Egypt (Cairo, Alexandria); Sudan (Khartoum); South Sudan (Ramciel), Ethiopia (Addis Abeba) ; Somalia (Mogadishu, Hargheisa); Djibouti (Djibouti); Saudi Arabia (Medina, Jeddah, Mecca); Yemen (Sanaa) ; India (Madurai, Madras-Chennai, Calcutta); Sri Lanka (Colombo); Bangladesh (Dhaka, Chattogram)

Participants (Universities, local public Administrations, local cultural institutions and organizations, freelancers) are kindly invited to promote knowledge and improvement of the typical cultural expressions of their sites during the Biennial BRAU6.

Winners  2nd Hypatia International Award 2023

  • Prof. Dr. Eng. Amod Mani Dixit, National Society for Earthquake Technology, (NSET), Nepal
  • Dr. Adila Laidi-Hanieh, General Director of the Palestinian Museum, Birzeit, Palestina
  • Prof. Arch Dalila Senhadji, Université des Sciences et de la Technologie (USTO), Département d’Architecture, Oran, Algeria
  • Prof. Dr. Hassina Mouri, Full Professor in the Faculty of Sciences, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
  • Jannatul Mouwa, Executive Director of BINDU Nari Unnayan Sangathan, Bangladesh
  • Ass. Prof. Dr. Tania Andrade Lioma, Department of Anthropology at the National Museum, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Dr. Nicholas Minos, Emeritus Director of the Directorate of Conservation of Ancient and Modern Monuments, Greece
  • Omaima Al-Sheikh, Founder & Board Chairman of the NGO, Al-Reyada Association for Development, Egypt
  • Dr Júlio Lancelotti, São Miguel Arcanjo Parish, graduated in Pedagogy, Foundation of Pastoral da Criança and for the formulation of the Child and Youth Statute, Brazil
  • Zahra Joya, former Deputy Director of communications at the Kabul Municipal Government, Founder of Rukhshana Media, Afghanistan

 For more information on the BRAU6 Biennial and Hypatia International Award,  see: